Diplôme National en convention avec le rectorat de Lille
Licence Droit – Économie – Gestion / Mention Économie et Gestion
2 parcours : International Management (IM) ou Art, Management & Creativity (AMC)
Diplôme National en convention avec le rectorat de Lille
Licence Droit – Économie – Gestion / Mention Économie et Gestion
2 parcours : International Management (IM) ou Art, Management & Creativity (AMC)
Diplôme National en convention avec le rectorat de Lille
Licence Droit – Économie – Gestion / Mention Économie et Gestion
2 parcours : International Management (IM) ou Art, Management & Creativity (AMC)
The International Bachelor in Economics & Business provides an essential multidisciplinary competency through an Anglo Saxon approach that prepares you to work in a diverse international setting. It opens doors to a wide array of career paths, from Finance and Marketing to International trade and Consulting, with the possibility of specializing in a variety of fields and pursuing the best Masters, whether in France or abroad.
This Bachelor in International Economics and Management offers two options : « Art Management & Creativity » or « International Management ». The two options have 80% their courses in common.
Why choose this option?
✅ Improve your ability to deal with complex structures both in terms of managing and analysis of information
✅ Increase your competence with statistical software’s, such as Excel and R
✅ Acquire the management skills, such as leadership, team management, negotiation, innovation, and corporate social responsibility.
✅ Be formed to the management of international structures by professionals
Why choose this option?
✅ This program is unique and original; we are the only ones in France to offer it
✅ Because art reveals hidden talents and not only those of an artist
✅ Because creativity and interpersonal skills are highly sought after by businesses
✅ Because an artistic flair combined with sound academic results opens the doors to foreign universities
✅ 1 year exchange abroad in 3rd year (L3)
✅ 1 certification TOEIC test (english) in second year
✅ 3 internships or entry level job in France or overseas from 4 to 24 weeks
This option combines both Management and International fields. It gives you cross-cultural challenges, develops strategic thinking, and enhances your leadership skills for success in international business environments
You will follow courses focused on Management such as Program Management, Risk Management, Leadership as well as Design Thinking. You will also have courses linked to Digital fields, like Information Systems and Data Analysis.
It includes an International dimension related to Globalization & International Markets, International Business Game, International Development Strategies and Geopolitics
For our students aspiring to join the Master’s programs at top international universities, we offer a tailored support package: personalized coaching, introduction to the GMAT, a 9-month internship and the option to take a gap year with the DU MGI University Diploma.
Un parcours unique en France où l’art et l’international s’invitent autour de l’économie et la gestion…
Take note: this course is ambitious and selective and has a price: a significant amount of personal work is expected each week. The easy world of secondary school is long gone
The option Art, Management and creativity is not bound by traditional teaching methods. It is rather revolutionary! The student is the main actor of his career. Creative, independent, rigorous, he is ready to take part in the participatory method.
Le parcours Art, Management & Creativity n’accueille que 45 étudiants mais il propose plus de 30 ateliers artistiques différents et tout autant de projets ouverts et inclusifs ! Il est un véritable parcours à la carte qui vous permettra de vivre à fond vos valeurs et de vous construire un CV au profil rare. Ce parcours vous permettra également de vivre une immersion internationale unique d’un an au moins… et plus si affinités !
Lien vers les poursuites de parcours en Masters sur notre dernière promo (28 étudiants en L3 en 2023-2024)
For our students aspiring to join the Master’s programs at top international universities, we offer a tailored support package: personalized coaching, introduction to the GMAT, a 9-month internship and the option to take a gap year with the DU MGI University Diploma.
Voici le teaser d’une exposition photo réalisée par les étudiants du parcours Art, Management and Creativity !
It constitutes the foundation of the degree. The first year allows you to acquire the necessary background and knowledge in management and economics, complemented by the fundamentals of statistics, finance, and mathematics.
Licence 1 | Crédits | |
BCC 1 – Développer l’esprit managérial | ||
Comparative Business Law | 2 | |
Introduction à la comptabilité | 3 | |
Introduction to Human Resources | 2 | |
Introduction to Marketing | 2 | |
Financial Accounting 2 | 2 | |
Prise de parole en public ou photo (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
BCC 2 – Adapter son comportement professionnel au contexte | ||
Introduction à l’économie | 3 | |
Introduction to Microeconomics | 2 | |
Introduction to Macroeconomics | 4 | |
Money, Banking and Financing | 2 | |
Ateliers Campus créatif ou LV3 (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 4 | |
Théâtre (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
Géopolitique et Plateau TV (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
Art et Marketing (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
BCC 3 – Exploiter des données à des fins d’analyse | ||
Business Analytics and Statistics 1 & 2 + Excel | 6 | |
Remise à niveau en mathématiques | 2 | |
Mathematics 1 & 2 | 5 | |
Economic Policy | 2 | |
BCC 4 – Intéragir dans un environnement national et international | ||
Understanding the World of Work | 2 | |
Entrance Exam Preparation (TOEIC) | 2 | |
LV2 | 2 | |
Management & Motivation (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
Risk Management (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
Introduction to Business (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
BCC 5 – Développer un agir éthique et responsable | ||
Mooc Oddyssée | 3 | |
TOTAL LICENCE 1 : 60 crédits |
Allows you to broaden the horizons by considering the interrelationship between organizations and their environment. The second year, you learn economics and management by applying theory to practice using case studies and business simulations. Statistical and mathematical training are applied to the field of economy and management.
Licence 2 | Crédits | |
BCC 1 – Développer l’esprit managérial | ||
International Economics | 3 | |
La Monnaie | 2 | |
Time Value of Money | 2 | |
Comparative Business Contracts | 2 | |
BCC 2 – Adapter son comportement professionnel au contexte | ||
Business Plan | 2 | |
Anglo-saxon Accounting | 2 | |
Macro & Microeconomics | 4 | |
Organizational Behavior | 3 | |
Atelier Cinéma (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
Mode & Design (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
Emotional Intelligence (Parcours Art, Management & Creativity) | 2 | |
BCC 3 – Exploiter des données à des fins d’analyse | ||
Mathematics Applied to Economics 1 & 2 | 4 | |
Business Analytics and Statistics 3 & 4 | 4 | |
Program Management (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
International Development Strategies (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
BCC 4 – Intéragir dans un environnement national et international | ||
LV1 | 3 | |
LV2 | 3 | |
Internship | 2 | |
Projet d’initiative | 2 | |
Conflict Management | 2 | |
Corporate Social Responsibility (Parcours International Management) | 2 | |
BCC 5 – Développer un agir éthique et responsable | ||
Mooc Oddyssée | 3 | |
Intercultural Management (Parcours International Management) | 3 | |
TOTAL LICENCE 2 : 60 crédits |
The year of internationalization, you can spend one academic year abroad in one of our 200 partner universities. The program allows you to explore and acquire diverse culture by living and studying in a foreign country without having to compromise on academic excellence.
Licence 3 – Économie et Gestion | Crédits | |
BCC 1 – Développer l’esprit managérial | ||
Corporate Finance | 4 | |
Introduction to Social Economy | 3 | |
Marketing Strategy and Planning | 4 | |
Business Strategy | 3 | |
International Exchange Week | 2 | |
Digital Marketing | 3 | |
Leadership and Interpersonal Skills | 3 | |
Entrepreneurship | 3 | |
Advanced Strategic Management | 4 | |
BCC 2 – Adapter son comportement professionnel au contexte | ||
Customer Service and Sales | 2 | |
Globalization and International Markets | 3 | |
Economics & Geostrategy | 4 | |
International Business Game | 3 | |
BCC 3 – Exploiter des données à des fins d’analyse | ||
Research Method 1 & 2 | 5 | |
Elements of Econometrics and Use of R | 4 | |
BCC 4 – Intéragir dans un environnement national et international | ||
Internship | 2 | |
BCC 5 – Développer un agir éthique et responsable | ||
Model United Nations | 3 | |
TOTAL LICENCE 3 : 60 crédits |
Semestre 1 | Crédits |
Géopolitique avec un plateau TV ou Art et Marketing – Podcast | 2 |
Prise de parole en public ou atelier photo ou atelier du Campus Créatif | 2 |
LV3 ou atelier du Campus Créatif | 2 |
Semestre 2 | Crédits |
Théâtre | 2 |
Atelier des Beaux-Arts (peintures et dessins) | 2 |
LV3 ou atelier du Campus Créatif | 2 |
Semestre 3 | Crédits |
Mode and Design | 2 |
Au choix : Conflict Management / Photoshop / Atelier cinéma : réalisation d’un court métrage / Théâtre joué sur un plateau télé | 2 |
LV3 ou atelier du Campus Créatif | 2 |
Semestre 4 | Crédits |
Projet d’initiative | 2 |
Emotional Intelligence ou Atelier de cinéma | 2 |
LV3 ou atelier du Campus Créatif | 2 |
L1: Internship for minimum 4 weeks in France or abroad
L2: Internship for minimum 4 weeks in France or abroad
L3: Internship for minimum 6 weeks in France or abroad
Over the 3 years, at least one internship to be carried out abroad.
Dual Degree Programme
After completing the 3n year of a Bachelor’s degree at Lille, you can choose to enroll Double Degree Programme with one of your two partner universities:
Pontifical University of Paranà Province (Brasil), you can enrol the final year of PUC Paranà bachelor program in International Management fully taught in English and obtain a bachelor level diploma.
Pontifical University of Cali (Colombia), you can enroll the final year of PUC Javeriana Bachelor Degree in International Business fully taught in English in a Spanish speaking environment and obtain a Bachelor level Diploma.
High school students with a general baccalaureate having taken the following specialties:
✅ Première : Mathematics specialty strongly recommended / Economics & Social Sciences specialty recommended
✅ Terminale : Economics & Social Sciences specialty recommended / Complementary Mathematics specialty recommended
✅ Students in 1st or 2nd-year Economics, Management (or equivalent degrees)
The entire application process takes place via the Parcoursup platform. High school students in their final year wishing to apply for the first year of one of our Bachelor’s degrees, our Business School Preparatory Class, or our Preparatory Year for Scientific Studies must follow the Parcoursup procedure. They will be asked to submit an application including a CV, a cover letter, and their Year 12 and final-year results. The selection process is as follows: candidates will be selected based on the evaluation of their application. For the Bachelor’s degrees in Life Sciences, Accounting-Finance-Audit, and the International Bachelor in Economics & Business, a selection interview will be offered.
Are you coming from an external institution and looking to continue your studies in Licence 2 or Licence 3? Visit our Admission Portal to apply
Applications are file-based. No written tests or interviews for Year 2/Year 3 International Economics & Business
At the end of this program, you will have the essential skills to enter the business world right away in a diverse range of career paths.
You will also be able to specialize in Masters in Finance, Marketing, Consulting, and more. Whether in Universities or Business Schools in France or abroad
80% des étudiants du parcours Art, Management & Creativity de la Licence IEG poursuivent leur cursus dans des Masters sélectifs des grandes écoles (Top 5) et/ou des meilleures universités en France ou à l’international. Nous obtenons des résultats équivalents à ceux des meilleures Prépas en France.
Ainsi, nos étudiants ont-ils rejoint ces dernières années : La Bocconi, Dauphine, ESCP, Ecole supérieure des affaires de Beyrouth, ISCTE Lisbonne, La Sorbonne, Edhec, EM Lyon, Trinity Business School, Ieseg, Université Erasme de Rotterdam, University of Geneva, Audencia, Sc Po Paris, Sussex University, The University of Edinburgh, Luiss Guido Carli university ; HEC Montréal …
13 Rue de Toul 59000 Lille
Tél. : 03 20 13 40 20 (Licences)
Tél. : 03 28 38 48 94 (Masters)