Master International Management

National degree (in partnership with Lille University) – Master of Science in Economics and Management

Focus on International Economy and Management – Major – Commerce and Management in International Business

Notre formation est classée parmi les meilleurs Masters, MS & MBA Commerce International et Management International de la région Hauts-de-France :

The International Management Master degree prepares students to develop their cultural sensitivity, improve their language skills and to be ready to respond to social and economic challenges.

In this program, you will benefit from effective preparation for your future career (through an internship and apprenticeship contract) by acquiring a comprehensive vision and know-how of management and business best practices.

Why choose the Master's degree in International Management ?

✅ To develop your cultural sensitivity, improve your language skills and be ready to respond to social and economic challenges.
✅ To acquire a comprehensive vision and know-how of management and business best practices.
✅ To benefit from an effective preparation for your future career (internship and professional training contract)
✅ Because achievements in career are determined by a combination of soft, cognitive and technical skills (interdisciplinary and cross programs projects and group work).

Working in a globalized environment requires cultural sensitivity as well as an understanding of local and international operations, management, marketing and other business practices.
If your goal is to become a successful manager and working in a globalized environment, the Master International Management is the best choice you can make.
Our programme offers a comprehensive vision and knowledge of management and business.
It provides an outstanding preparation based on practical and interactive teaching methods that include experience sharing, group projects, business cases, business games and role-plays.

Most of the aspects of business are explored including managerial control, business strategy and marketing, operation management, business development, leadership and project management. It is a professional master’s degree focusing on career development in international business.
It offers networking opportunities with classmates from different countries and academic backgrounds and with professionals and experts. Our goal is to provide an innovative environment open to the world and to the society favourable to the acquisition and development of best practices in a responsible fashion.

Students per class
working six months after graduation
0 %
of classes are taught in english
0 %


The subjects and credits presented in this program are subject to change without altering the essential content and core orientations of the training.


Courses from September to March. Internship from April to August

UE : Monitoring and reporting
Management accounting
Corporate finance
Social enterprise and entrepreneurship
UE : Reflexion and strategy
International marketing
Business strategy
UE : Appropriate communication
Intercultural communication & management
English and business communication
Second language
UE : Managerial culture
Business game / ERP SIM business game with SAP interface
Inter-programs projets
UE : Professional expertise and research
Introduction to research methods
Personal development
UE : Monitoring and reporting
International financial reporting
CSR and integrated reporting
UE : Business environment
Macroeconomics (with international finance)
Economic development
UE : International reflection and management
Global economics
Supply chain management
UE : Appropriate communication
English and business communication
Second language
UE : Professional expertise and research
Intermediate excel
Inter-programs projects
Introduction to research methods
Internship period

Courses/Part time work from September to June, rythm 3 days/2days. Full time work from July-August.
UE : International management operations
International purchasing
Trade financing
International negotiation
Business game (purchase)
UE : Managerial and organizational culture 
International human resources management
Project management
Law contracts
UE : Exploratory and elective courses (choose 2 electives)
First foreign language
Invited lectures
Second foreign language
Elective 1
Elective 2
UE : Professional expertise and research
Option thesis
Option thesis + training period
UE : International management operations
International development
Logistics – custom
Supply chain management (quality management)
UE : Managerial and organizational culture
Strategic partnership
Leadership & organizational behavior
Corporate Social Responsibility
UE : Exploratory and elective courses
First foreign language
Invited lectures
UE : Professional expertise and research
Option thesis
Option thesis + training period : Thesis
Option thesis + training period : Training Period
Professional Synthesis

Spend one year abroad and obtain a double degree!

Juniata College

Upon successful completion of two semesters at Juniata College during the first year of this Master’s program and successful completion of two semesters at FGES in the second year, students will obtain a Bachelor’s degree from Juniata College in addition to the Master’s degree in International Management from France.

Teaching language: English

Liverpool Hope University

Upon successful completion of two semesters at FGES during the first year of this Master’s program with a distinction pass grade (12/20), and at least one semester spent in Liverpool Hope University in the second year, students will obtain an International MBA from Liverpool Hope University in addition to the Master’s degree in International Management from France.

Teaching language: English

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Piacenza)

Upon successful completion of two semesters at FGES during the first year of this Master’s program and successful completion of two semesters at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in the second year, students will obtain a Laurea Magistrale in Global Business Management in addition to the Master’s degree in International Management from France.

Universidad ESAN (Lima)

Upon successful completion of two semesters at FGES and two semesters at ESAN Graduate Business School in Peru, students will obtain a Maestría en Gestión Empresarial from ESAN in addition to the Master’s degree in International Management from France.

Teaching language: Spanish

Otto Friedrich Universität (Bamberg)

Upon successful completion of two semesters at FGES during the first year of this Master’s program and successful completion of two semesters at Otto-Friedrich Universität in Bamberg in the second year, students will obtain a Master of Science in Betriebwirtschaftlehre in addition to the Master’s degree in International Management from France.

Teaching languages: English & German


Who is the Master's degree in International Management for?

Graduates with a bachelor degree in international business, management, economics, accounting, finance, administration, languages or management and others with a minor in management, economics or finance.
For a direct entry into M2: 4-year bachelor or Master 1.

How to apply ?

Applications for the Master’s program are submitted via the Mon Master platform for French students and those from a country within the European Economic Area.

Official name of the Master’s degree in International Management on the ‘Mon Master’ platform

  • Droit, Économie, Gestion : mention Management et commerce international
3 février 2025Publication de l’offre de formation ouvrant en septembre 2025
Du 25 février au 24 mars 2025Dépôt des candidatures
Du 31 mars au 1er juin 2025

Examen des candidatures classiques par les établissements
Pour les candidatures en alternance, les réponses seront communiquées le 2 mai

Du 2 au 16 juin 2025

Phase principale d’admission
Les propositions pour les formations en alternance seront disponibles le 13 juin

Du 17 juin au
17 juillet 2025

Phase complémentaire

Du 17 au 23 juin : dépôt de nouvelles candidatures et classement de toutes les candidatures par ordre de préférence
Du 24 juin au 7 juillet : examen des nouvelles candidatures
Du 8 au 17 juillet : phase d’admission
Du 18 juillet au
31 août 2025
Gestion des désistements

For students outside the European Economic Area

Or: if you hold a Master 1 and wish to apply for Master 2

The parallel admission process for Master’s programs is based on a review of the application file, which must be accompanied by an interview with the candidate.

✅ Create your ‘Agora’ account in the admissions portal

✅ Prepare your application file: follow the online steps in your admissions portal. Submit your complete application file on the admissions platform.

✅ Review of the application file by the administrative team
✅ If the application is accepted: the interview invitation is sent by email
✅ Selection interview
✅ Admission approval or rejection
✅ Online enrollment in your admissions portal
✅ Confirmation of your enrollment

The academic file to be sent :

✅ Application form (generated during the online application, to be printed)
✅ Cover letter + CV
✅ Non-refundable online payment of €85 for application fees, payable to ICL (during registration on the website)
✅ Copy of the Baccalaureate and higher education diplomas obtained
✅ Copy of semester transcripts from post-baccalaureate studies
For the International Management Master’s program, TOEIC (Listening and Reading) results or an equivalent test: Score > 750.

For international applicants

✅ Birth certificate extract

✅ Official certified translation of the most recent diplomas obtained

✅ Copy of the residence permit

International students (excluding Erasmus)

Applicants residing abroad, outside the European Economic Area, must submit their application through the cultural services of the French Embassy in their country of residence or via the Campus France platform:

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What careers are available after the Master's degree in International Management?

International manager : you oversee a company’s global operations. You have a keen understanding of the company’s needs abroad as well as the cultural, political and operational challenges and opportunities of foreign markets.
Purchasing manager : you buy products for organizations to use or resell. You evaluate suppliers, negotiate contracts, and review product quality.
Transportation, storage and distribution manager : you plan, direct, or coordinate transportation, storage, or distribution activities.
Export manager : you serve as intermediaries between foreign buyers and domestic sellers. Unlike export traders, who buy the products before selling directly to foreign buyers, you find buyers internationally for domestic product manufacturers.
Project manager
✅ Marketing manager
✅ Account manager
✅ Staffing officer
✅ Operation manager
Financial manager of logistics flows and sourcing

Corporate network with companies

Leroy Merlin

✅ Groupe Adéo




✅ Bonduelle

✅ Bouygues

✅ Auchan


flambard veronique

Véronique FLAMBARD

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