Does your university have a partnership with the Université Catholique de Lille or the FGES and you would you like to come to study at our institution for a term or a one-year exchange? We would be delighted to welcome you!
There is no registration fee if you come to study at Université Catholique de Lille in the framework of an exchange program.
Please find below all the information you need to apply and help you have a great experience in our university.
As an exchange student, you may choose any course at our faculty, regardless of the field or the academic year.
Courses are typically taught in French, but we also propose a large range of courses in English.
France, like all European Union member states, uses the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) grading system. Credits are called ECTS credits.
If you wish to study at the FGES, please contact your home university first. The international office of your home university can then contact us to proceed with your “nomination”. Following this, we will send you the application procedure and all the information you require directly by email.
To enable you to smoothly prepare your arrival and your stay in Lille and in our faculty, the FGES has prepared a Welcome Kit that contains plenty of useful information.
All exchange students must be nominated by their home university. Until recently, FGES requested partner universities to fill up an excel sheet with specific information about the students, we are now happy to share with you that we moved our nomination form online! Kindly, use the following link to send us the information about your students. If you wish to nominate more than one student, you will have to fill up the form for each student nominated.
Nomination Deadline | May 1st | October 15th |
Application Deadline | June 1st | November 15th |
FGES also accepts nominations of students in the field of Biology, Life & environmental sciences as well as Computer sciences, however be aware that students in these fields of the study will be expected to take both courses taught in English and courses taught in French to obtain the required number of ECTS wanted. Hence, a B1+ level in both English and French is required.
After the nomination has been reviewed and accepted by our International Relations Office, we will get back to the students by email with the online application form. We will also provide the students with all necessary information about getting ready to live an unforgettable study abroad experience in France.
As soon as the application forms are processed, students who need to apply for a visa will receive an acceptance letter and practical information by e-mail. A signed hard copy of the acceptance letter will be sent on demand to students who need it in the framework of their visa request.
13 Rue de Toul 59000 Lille
Tél. : 03 20 13 40 20 (Licences)
Tél. : 03 28 38 48 94 (Masters)